Unexpected expenses can occur at any time. Start building your emergency fund with just a $100 deposit — and earn competitive interest.
Key Features
- Competitive Interest
- Waivable Monthly Maintenance Fee
- Digital Banking
- Set your future self up for success
- Earn competitive interest on entire daily balance
- Interest is paid quarterly
- Avoid the $3 monthly maintenance fee by maintaining a $100 minimum daily balance
- $2 fee per withdrawal if balance drops below $1,000*
- Free digital banking services
- $100 minimum deposit to open
For more information, please call your local branch.
*During any calendar month, you may not make more than six withdrawals or transfers to another account of yours or to a third party by means of a preauthorized or automatic transfer or telephone order or instruction, or by check, draft, debit card or similar order to a third party. If you exceed these transfer limitations, your account may be subject to closure or reclassification.